Welcome to Lent, a liturgical season of reflection, repentance, and preparation that marks the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday! The roots of Lent stretch all the way back to the third and fourth centuries A.D. when the early church first began to treat the 40 days (plus Sundays) before Easter as a solemn period in which new converts to the Christian faith dedicated themselves to learning the ways of Jesus, culminating in their being baptized and "meeting Jesus" on Easter morning itself. Since then, followers of Christ new and old have used Lent as an opportunity for increased spiritual focus, often giving up typical goods and pleasures as acts of added obedience. Join us this spring at Liberti Collingswood as we engage in these ancient Lenten rhythms anew!
Services and Events
- February 4 - Lent Devotionals
- We will have Lent resources for adults, children ages 0-3, and children ages 4-10 available for folks to pick up starting on Sunday, 2/4! The adult resource is written by Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley and offers a description of the season of Lent, as well as a personal testimony of how liturgical seasons like Lent have helped cultivate his relationship with Jesus despite growing up in a non-liturgical, Baptist church. The children’s resources, created by Laura Richie & Ian Dale, will help your children understand a little more about why we celebrate Lent and enhance your family’s worship during this season. Suggested donation amounts are $10 for the adult resource and $5 for each children’s resource (links to purchase online: Adult / Kids 4-10 / Babies & Toddlers)
- February 14 – Ash Wednesday service
- At the start of Lent, we hold an Ash Wednesday service. Ashes commemorate both the dust from which Adam and Eve were created in the Genesis story, the transience of our own lives (“ashes to ashes. . .”), and also the cross of Jesus. Please join us at Holy Trinity that evening at 6:00pm for a 45 minute, kid friendly time of reflection, repentance, and contemplation.
- February 18 – First Sunday in Lent
- February 25 – Second Sunday in Lent
- February 25 (through 3/17) - Christianity & World Religions Class
- As our world becomes more pluralistic, we must learn to navigate the ins-and-outs of sharing the gospel to a more diverse population. Starting on Sunday, 2/25, from 9:30am to 10:30am, we are going to look at a few faith systems different from ours, analyze their beliefs, and learn how best to share the gospel with them. If you've ever wondered how to share your faith with your Mormon neighbor, wondered what Islam really teaches, or are just curious about other faith systems, then this class is for you. Sign-up here!
- March 3 – Third Sunday in Lent
- March 10 - Fourth Sunday in Lent
- March 16 - Foster the Family Cooking Party
- One of the things that Foster the Family, a local ministry partner of ours, does to serve foster families in our region is to provide them with care packages that include a home cooked meal within 24 hours of their receiving a new foster child placement. As part of our Lenten menu at Liberti Collingswood, we're throwing a cooking party to prepare food for those care packages! Please join us at Holy Trinity on Saturday, 3/16 (time TBD) to roll up your sleeves and help in the kitchen. Click here both to register for the event and also to donate funds towards the purchase of foodstuffs that we'll be turning into tastiness that morning.
- March 17 – Fifth Sunday in Lent
- March 24 – Palm Sunday
- March 29 - Good Friday Service
- Lent at Liberti Collingswood culminates in Holy Week during the days leading up to and including Easter Sunday. Join us in worship of Jesus as we commemorate his crucifixion on Good Friday, 3/29 at 6pm at Holy Trinity and online. This time together will be a solemn reflection upon the final hours of Jesus' life before the cross through scripture readings and songs. We'll not offer childcare for Good Friday, but kids are welcome at this shorter-than-usual service.
- March 31 – Easter Sunday Service & Coffee Hour
- On Easter morning turns Liberti Collingswood up to 11! Our worship service on this special day will run for our usual length of time but will feature added goodies like baptisms, affirmations of In-Covenant vows, and fancy music. And speaking of goodies, we'll host a before-worship coffee hour in which you can sip Revolution cold brew while noshing tasty pastries. Coffee hour will kick off at 10am, and for those who won't be present at the building, click here that morning to access a virtual version of the same. Jesus is risen.