Keep To The Old Roads

March 9, 2023 | Eric Mitchell

I live on a busy street in a walkable town. Nearly every day out of my home office window I can watch groups of middle and high school students walking or riding their bikes to the pizza shop and convenience store just down the street. There...

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What Lasts, and What Doesn't

March 2, 2023 | Jim Angehr

One of the pots I try to keep on my reading stove is nonfiction essay collections. (In general, the various pots for me are fiction, something about music, graphic novels, literary biographies, Christian theology, and Christian living.) During a...

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Who's Calling Tuesday Fat?

February 23, 2023 | Jim Angehr

Yeah you right: happy Mardi Gras, everyone! In most American locales, this past Tuesday was just another dreary, winter-ish affair, but in my native New Orleans, carnival rides again. For your humble preacher, Tuesday was a workday, but I still...

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What Dreams Are Made Of

February 16, 2023 | Scott Flovin

Whenever I catch a cold, it usually lasts about a week and has a pretty regimented schedule. I don’t know what that says about me, but I can generally set my clock to its different stages. The first stage is a fever that usually lasts a...

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The Problem is Me

February 9, 2023 | Jim Angehr

One more set of thoughts from Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch, friends. (Find part one here.) At the very end of the novel, the protagonist, Theo, shifts from what’s been a narrative mode into attempting to summarize all of the years that...

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Sundays at 11:15am

839 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, NJ 08108

Liberti Church Collingswood