NBC: The Loudest Silence
November 24, 2023 | Jim Angehr
Yes, the short span of silence before God says, “Let there be light,” in the creation story is stunning. Still, there’s another caesura in the scriptures that constitutes an immeasurably louder moment of quiet. As hushed as a...
SBC: Magic of the Silences
November 16, 2023 | Jim Angehr
As I wrote about last week, can there be anything better than the sliver of silence on side 2 of Bruce Springsteen’s The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle? In it, we listen to the ascending piano figure that concludes the...
BC: When Symposiums Sing
November 9, 2023 | Jim Angehr
In the days long before music services and social media, music fans inhabited message boards, listservs, and tape trading circles. Compared to our everything-at-your-fingertips present, musical gratification was much delayed for said fans, but it...
The Most Wonderful Blog of the Year
November 2, 2023 | Jim Angehr
In the midst of much shadow and darkness, dear readers, Letters to You arrives with an early Christmas present: itself! At the same time, however, my “sorry that the blog has been offline” is a real one. I genuinely enjoy writing...
Always Burning, Since the World's Been Turning
July 20, 2023 | Jim Angehr
So then, how should we think about creation care in ways that are both robust and distinctly Christian? (As a review of where we’ve been, you can check here for part one of this particular set of ramblings.) The first two chapters of the...